Coming to OuR Creativity

Coming to Our Senses teachers are encouraged to be creative and responsive to their audience. In this way innovations are always emerging in how the sessions are delivered, or how the activities are adapted to work with different audiences.

New facets to this approach can also suddenly arise from personal practice, which teachers might like to share.

Gathered here, in order of sessions, will be a growing database of innovations, adaptations and emerging facets shared by teachers.

Innovations, Adaptations and Emergent Facets

Note that there is no possibility to edit once you have entered the comment, therefore I suggest you write it in word or another text editor before cutting and pasting it into the comment section.

  • If it is an innovation please try it out first before sharing here. Ideas are easy, we are interested in what works!

  • If it is an adaptation please be sure to tell us who is the audience you are adapting the activity for and unless obvious, why.

  • If it is a new facet to the course discovered through personal practice feel free to share. ‘Learning Outcomes’ in this course are not fixed, so it is always interesting to hear what insight the activities provoke. If you are sharing an insight that is not personal, be sure to ask the participant if it is OK with them for you to share this with the teaching community of practice.

  • If replying to a comment follow Socrates’ guide - “Is it true, is it kind, or is it necessary?”